Our Policy

Environmental Policy

This document has been produced with ultimate responsibility for Health and Safety and Environmental Matters. The company is committed to giving Environmental issues the same degree of importance as has been bestowed upon Health & Safety.

We obviously have an impact on the environment at a local level, purely through the Sand and Soil that we supply/sale. The stated aims of the company are to improve the environment through landscaping, while doing the absolute minimum amount of damage to the environment during the execution of our works and to strive for an ever improving environmental performance. The company is founded on the principal of continuing development of both the whole and the individuals within it and this applies every bit as much to the impact on the environment as to all other aspects of the business. This is achieved through an ongoing programme of training of the individuals and also a continuous raising of the level of awareness throughout the company by the updating, distribution and implementation of the Environmental Management System.

The negative impacts of our business have been identified as follows:

Air pollution through the use of fuels both for transport and for the operation of the tools of our trade. Air Pollution through the bumming of the waste products of our work. Noise Pollution through the operation of the tools of our trade. The using up of natural resources to supply the materials for our work, such as stone, hardwood, etc.

The company has a commitment to the reduction of all the above by the implementation of the following policies:

Regular and thorough maintenance of all tools and equipment. A company purchasing policy and the active suggestion of suitable alterative to clients.

A copy of the environmental policy is given to each new starter as part of their induction, irrelevant of their level of seniority and the aims of the policy are discussed, explained and then acted upon. The policy is shown at our premises to all subcontractors, visitors and clients and compliance is a condition of their continuation on site.

The policy is subject to review every 12 months by the Director Responsible to monitor its success and to an annual major review in conjunction with Manager and Director.